Using wES-client

wES-client use gradle build as a jar project, it's supported for Maven or Gradle project. Or download the jar file then add it into classpath.

Using wES-client for Maven

On ur pom.xml file, add wES-client dependency into dependencies part like this:


Using wES-client for Gradle

On ur build.gradle file, add wES-client dependency into dependencies part like this:

  compile 'io.github.datasays:wES-client:1.0'

implement org.datasays.wes.core.IConvert

Because of mini class library dependencies, wES-client don't include any Json convert implments, u need implment it or use wES-toolkit org.datasays.wes.toolkit.WGsonConvert. WGsonConvert is a Gson implement.

create org.datasays.wes.client.EsHelper instance and init it

  EsHelper esHelper = new EsHelper("");
  //set base auth info for all action
  esHelper.baseAuth(user, password);
  //set log config
  esHelper.setLogFlag(LOG.isDebugEnabled(), LOG.isDebugEnabled(), LOG.isDebugEnabled());
  esHelper.init(new OkHttpClient.Builder().build(), new WGsonConvert());

Indexing a doc

  Index action = esHelper.index(index, type, id);
  return, Object.class);

search a doc

  Search action =, type, id);
  return, WSearchResult.class, TestDoc.class);

special usage

setup global HTTP cache(read only scene)

  OkHttpClient.Builder cBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
  cBuilder.cache(new Cache(new File("./tmp"), 10000));
  esHelper.init(, new WGsonConvert());

HTTP authentication

  • authentication for all actions once

    esHelper.baseAuth(user, password);
  • authentication for one action

    action.baseAuth(user, password);

wES-client core class


The okhttp3 like API to visit the ElasticSearch. It support all ElasticSearch API org.datasays.wes.actions and Enum types org.datasays.wes.types. You can use URL ways or send GET/POST/PUT/HEAD/DELETE request with a Json request body. The source code include all comments like this: Url Params Url Part, Request Body and supported HTTP methods


A Java interface for JSON serializer and parser.


The retrofit2 like API to visit the ElasticSearch. It only support to convert Json response to Object and can't pass the params on URL. So it can't used on complex scene. we will fix it with a better implement ASAP.

CodeGen on wES-toolkit project


It's the CodeGen java program for the okhttp3 like API. It will gen all codes on package 'org.datasays.wes.actions' and 'org.datasays.wes.types'. The code is will simple, you can modify it as your way.

You can run it as a normal Java program or run it by shell command on wES-toolkit path:

    gradle EsRestSpecGen


It's like the EsRestSpecGen, but it's for The retrofit2 like API EsService.

    gradle EsRestSpecGen4Retrofit

ElasticSearch Compatibility

Current version support the lastest ES version v5.x. You also can get another ES Rest API version from by other Git branch versions, copy them to override all /wES-toolkit/api/ json files and re-Gen the codes.

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