Building wES from source

wES is built with Gradle on JDK8, targeting Java 1.8. You don't have to install anything, the only prerequisites are Git and Java JDK.

Check out sources

Simply clone wES Git repo:

git clone wES

Compile and test, build jars

You can build the wES project with:

gradle build

This will build all jars and run all unit tests. To skip the tests (for faster build), execute:

gradle build -x test

public jar to

gradle publishToMavenLocal
gradle bintrayUpload -DBINTRAY_USER=watano -DBINTRAY_KEY=<APIKEY>

Sometimes, bintrayUpload task can't work well, so I write a helper program to upload all files.

cd <yourMavenRepos>\io\github\datasays\
java org.datasays.wes.toolkit.BintrayUtil <APIKEY> -cp ...

results matching ""

    No results matching ""